So.. I said I had two songs by Yiruma, famous Korean Musician, that reminded me of some of my friend Oranje's photography. She's never heard of him, none-the-less his music, so I decided to post this blog for her with the songs I think fit some of her pictures :)
The first song is the first ever I heard by him, called The Scenery Begins
The next song is my favorite, called When The Rain Falls (raining version)
So.. I blame the bf issues and other issues plus my laziness in getting a job this year like I planned.. of course I could of still gotten one but with my late preparation for the SAT and ACT I didn't have time to be working anywhere..
So because of that, for my 18th birthday, which is coming up this Wednesday, December 3rd, I don't think i'll be getting any of the things i really want to have.. like.. no one has any money hardly.
I'm starting to think my birthday and Christmas presents are the ability to fail and retake my SAT and ACT tests.. they migth as well be, since the money my parents would use for my presents is going to that.. :( Those tests together are 70+ dollars!! I paid for the ACT first time I took it, that was $46, had a waiver for my SAT, paid for both the 2nd time, which is coming next month, and i'll be paying for the one's in January, that all together is $192... the damn PS2 slim i wanted didn't even cost that much! The upgrade I wanted for my phone didn't even cost that much! Omg.. this sucks.
As soon as I get a job, which i'll try to do before Christmas, I so have to pay back all that money.. plus I really wanted to save up for Momo-con in March ;~;
--- The rest of this post i'll be posting some of my recent pictures and ranting on about what new mainstream stuff I'm liking.. :)
This video is so nice.. I anticipated the tango and disco version.. they're really nice.. and COOL opening :) The 2 pm (or is it 2 am??) solo is cut though. This version is Super clear and they all look really gorgeous :D
So.. I guess this is what I dreaded. I just never knew it would be as bad as it's been.. dammit.. that only means it would have been a lot better if it were done properly and sooner..
My goodness i'm horribly pathetic.. we broke up on some bad terms, but we both agreed to it, so it's not like we fell out of love.. who am I kidding? I must of loved him a bit more than he loved me. Or he was lying to me after a while.. because it seems he can't stand me and he's ready to move on.
I think the only reason he lingered was because he did have some lost memories.. but I think he originally stopped liking me that way a while ago and just wasn't ready to accept it, let alone deal with the aftermath.
Well.. i'm crying still.. because I'm just not grasping any of it.. I don't understand how anyone could be that way after being so close to someone.. that must mean he was already losing his feelings.. that just means when he said "no matter what we go through or how stressed I get, I still feel the same", was him in denial and guilt from not letting me know the truth.
Sir.. maybe we weren't cut out for each other... but who am I cut out for? Who will accept me no matter what? As you use to tell me? I guess i'm pretty dramatic.. but i'm sorry to say, the excuse I have is that I was never built up for this. I always stayed away from guys.. and even when I did like start something.. i never let it develop.. so letting my feelings develop, and having such high hopes.. i let my guard open so wide.. and everything got shot down.. so please don't blame me for being this way.. please don't shun me for over reacting.. i'm only a girl. And i'm honestly too nice for my own good.. or too naive I guess.. believing too much that things can get better.. focusing on the wrong thing.. it's not that they can't.. well.. i forgot, for things to get better you have to have people that want them to.. people who really care enough to try.. or people who have enough patience to. Is that what it was? You got too impatient? .. You no longer had the drive you once had..
I well enough know I should be done with you.. I well enough know you don't deserve my tears.. but I just can't lie to myself.. I can't pretend like you not caring doesn't hurt me.. Can we at least make things right? You said we could.. I thought you wanted to.. or was that just something spur of the moment? I obviously rid you of your feelings... but why? Do I sicken you that much? ......Well... i'm so sorry I exist this way.. I have no other excuses..
EDIT: 11:00 You say if you wanted to get rid of me you would of.. but I seeyou're better off and happier without me.. so.. why are we even friends? Just because? Why? So you rather be a liar than a jerk? Too worried the truth will hurt my feelings and make you look bad? Well.. you have nothing to worry about because it's not much left to save. Just cut me off so we can both get out of this crap..
Even though it is the season for big alcoholic celebration, 21st coming up, this summer was the very first time I had a drink at the bar. This wasn't the first, a few lines of ignited shots were, lol, but this was one especially made for me and my friend by the bartender at the end of the night~ I say very nice touch to the end of that part day, and a happy 21st birthday to me from Ai-Tune Karaoke x3
♥//The Blogger
Hi, I'm Portia! ^~^
If you dislike Asian what-so-ever, just leave.
If you're offended by anything, just say so.
If you'd like to stay, you're more than welcome.
But make sure you at least leave a comment on the C-BOX.
Thanks! <3
Age- 22
Gender- Female
DOB- December 3rd
Astrological Sign- Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac- Horse
Occupation- Photography~
Location- Georgia, United States
Attending- Some higher level teaching facility called
"College". Fascinating, yeah?
Blogging- 6 years 5 months
I love anime, I love music, everything Kpop especially~ I love fashion, and my themes are always revolved around that. (besides my mood)
This is a personal blog. Well.. 75% personal, 5% public, and 20% media. If you don't like the things I type, that's your problem and I suggest you handle it the best way fit. By NOT spamming me :D Or you could always just leave, that's a good way :P
.:.KPOP <33333
.:.Japanese stuff.. x3
.:.I’m probably the biggest
[Ayumi Hamasaki] Fan in the U.S.. who is black, xD
.:.Afternoon rain♥
.:.The break of dawn
.:.Late nights..
.:.Cute/adorable stuff
.:.Pretty & really awesome girls
.:.Cool, georgeous people..
.:.Asian girls/guys
.:.Girly clothes (even though I don't wear them)
.:.Street & Couture Fashions :3
.:.Costume Play♠
.:.Anime(NANA, etc.)
.:.Mini Coopers *-*
.:.Males.. :3
.:.Morning Musume
.:.Vivienne Westwood
.:.Vivienne Westwood
Partying~~ x3
☆//Tags plz :]
If you don't know already, I answer under the name Poine.