Saturday, November 12, 2011
Smoke break for the UK♥
Absolutely love it.. but that wrinkled shirt.. ahhh.. could of at least been ironed, steamed, or something! -_-; That is all. Everything else is *[LOVE]*Labels: fashion, lookbook
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
11/11/11 ♥
First I'd like to start off by saying, it's been nearly 2 years since I've blogged and I come today, not because of the day but because I've just been thinking about blogging for the past week, but when I come here I see a draft saved on 10/10/10 talking about being lonely LMAO.. which is what i'm basically coming to write about now, today. That is some craaaazyness smh. :)
Anyway, originally I wanted to write a post summarizing allllllllllllllllllllllll the chaos/ drama/ fun/ ridiculousness/ that has been present since the last time I've been here but have to be current~
This guy, Sanchez, idk how long it's been exactly since I've been talking to him on the phone.. but first time I talked to him and since, we had a connection. Him and I just hit it off perfectly and comfortably. He's a Sagittarius too, we agree on a lot and see eye to eye on a lot, but come from veeeery different backgrounds. Ethnically and socially. (What is this a fairy tale? Gimme a break..) Basically he's not my type and I'd normally not care for a guy like that, but got to know him and liked him a lot as a person. I already knew he was interested in me more than a friend a while ago, it's pretty obvious, but me being a bitch who's too involved in her life and has no time for little things, I didn't care for it. Even though he had been wanting to see me, I always kind of blew him off. Not kind of.. definitely blew him off. Most times I was really stressed and busy, but could of made time, just didn't want to. Anyway, so today we unintentionally met for the first time~ annnnnnnnnnd.. lol.. the atmosphere was super tense, and it was because, GOD this man was gorgeous, might I absolutely add. I'm surprised I acted so smoothly for the quick moment we were together, smh. Anyway it was nice, and I'm upset I hadn't met up with him before. Because now like typical Portia, I'm falling for him -__- Oh so surprising? And I think I've blown him off so much he's starting to lose interest, or either play it up like he doesn't care which is so fucking aggravating.. ugggh. My fault as usual smh. Now things will be weird I know.. because it was obvious tension was there... the same kind when friends become more than friends.. ehh. Awkwardness. So trying to see how this little thing plays out~ x3
Labels: life