Monday, September 01, 2008

Remaining August

So i'll update you guys on what's happened the past month. ^^;

Um so yea... I'm still having withdrawls from the Olympics being over. Although, I happen to be still pissed-off with America for giving little to NO attention to the winners that WEREN'T American, and put all the attention on those sore-loser dyke volley ball players, that freak merman, and that lanky, easy going, no-talent, rape victim, bitch, Nastia Lukin. BUT.. I'm still having withdrawls, so rip my heart out.

Anyway, schools started. My senior year... I still can't believe it. The one thing it seems my principal and I will ever agree on is 'you all won't feel like seniors until you graduate.' And I don't feel like one.. I just feel like i'm in school like any year.

Well enough with that.. let me show you some cool stuff now :3

So July and August was full of updating DA (deviant art). And some of my work got featured x3

Yeeeee yee! (lol.. idk..) So sadly it wasn't in the VERY front, that won't happen anytime soon.. and I had to go through categlories to find it, but I got it!! See the link beside it? :D And there's the picture itself ^^ You can say I was intrigued or bored to death.. mainly bored.. but I got all into commercial photography/ still life. I think I did pretty fair on the first pic so I went on :) I really like the second picture out of them all x3~ Idk.. I may edit it and re-upload it.

With this, the first picture was a sketch my good friend Tyone drew in her artbook that I was completely amazed with. So I was inspired to do my own full version, thus the picture next to it.. or a first atempt that is. It wasn't good enough, so I set it aside and came back later and re-did some things for the better, thus the below pictures; final versions.

I added a normal tribal tatoo, changed the headphones, decided to open the eyes and change the eyelashes, decided for smudged make-up, for a more lustful look, changed the wings a bit and also added to the hair. Scanned it, and darkened it.. finished product for line version. Version 2: Color overlay blue.. really added to the fantasy look so I stayed with it, decided to keep both as you can see. Later, i'll color it fully in photoshop or with artistic markers once I learn how to dominate it. ^^ I still like my friend's version.. it's so simple and yet beautiful.. plus the idea originated from her.. but I guess I'm satisfired how I took it and made it mine :)

These weren't done in August, the summer at all, but they were fairly popular then. Two of my favorite cloudy day pictures, and one of my favorite self portraits ^.^b

My most recent simple deviation of my delicious tuna melt! Cooking cool foods just makes me want to get into still life photography more instead of people and nature, lol. But I need practice.. this wasn't to good at all.. mainly just something tasty I wanted to show off ^^;

Sorry, one step out of my personal life... but OMFGz, Ayumi is smoking!!! xD HOMO.. LOLz. But seriously.. as soon as I start thinking she's getting old and losing her touch, she pops up with underwear modeling, lol. *fangirl moment* Ayu fighting! Even if you are half deaf girl, you still got those looks!! hahah..

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What i'm missing..

So... last night I got into a petty argument with my boyfriend that took it's turn for the sour worst. I've been sick lately.. all labor day weekend, with an excepting of when it started on Thursday, and I haven't been able to be my normal, random, cheery self. So... I was in a fuck-the-world mood all night without even noticing it fully.. until I finally slept and had a nightmare. I dreamt of most of my more depressing times.. my stressful times, my ditch deep times, my angry and suffocating times.. then all my happy memories came rushing to me at once.. and I woke up crying..... I don't think I've ever woke up crying... fell asleep crying yea, but I never really dreamt about anything without thinking about it, and it actually took a toll on my body. Once I realized I was crying, I couldn't stop.. I just started wailing for a while thinking about all the missed people and memories that had left me or were taken from me.. I hadn't given them a thought in a while..

So I finally got a hold of myself and took a short warm shower, texted my boyfriend an apology, texted an old best friend, and sat here listeing to the epilouge for A Tale of Two Sisters until I regained full control of my actions.

I was kind of scared.. sense I never experienced anything like that. Sure I've hit rock bottom like that before, and sure it was over the same issues, but they never seeped out on their own.

Hm... oh well. I guess it was bound to happen.

Anyway.. today it happens to be raining.. just a little bit, and it's dim and white outside. If I had a great camera and a great bike, I'd ride around so many blocks to capture something similar to how I feel. That's what I feel like doing. And maybe I'd have my own classical soundtrack to ride around to... one song on auto repeat.. until the rain started getting heavy, and the sky darker, and I'd have to ride all the way home.


♥//Blog Tunes

☆Photo Of The Moment

Strawberry Daiquiri + Lime
Even though it is the season for big alcoholic celebration, 21st coming up, this summer was the very first time I had a drink at the bar. This wasn't the first, a few lines of ignited shots were, lol, but this was one especially made for me and my friend by the bartender at the end of the night~ I say very nice touch to the end of that part day, and a happy 21st birthday to me from Ai-Tune Karaoke x3

♥//The Blogger

Hi, I'm Portia! ^~^
If you dislike Asian what-so-ever, just leave. If you're offended by anything, just say so. If you'd like to stay, you're more than welcome. But make sure you at least leave a comment on the C-BOX. Thanks! <3

Age- 22
Gender- Female
DOB- December 3rd
Astrological Sign- Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac- Horse
Occupation- Photography~
Location- Georgia, United States
Attending- Some higher level teaching facility called "College". Fascinating, yeah?
Blogging- 6 years 5 months
I love anime, I love music, everything Kpop especially~ I love fashion, and my themes are always revolved around that. (besides my mood) This is a personal blog. Well.. 75% personal, 5% public, and 20% media. If you don't like the things I type, that's your problem and I suggest you handle it the best way fit. By NOT spamming me :D Or you could always just leave, that's a good way :P


.:.KPOP <33333
.:.Japanese stuff.. x3
.:.I’m probably the biggest
[Ayumi Hamasaki] Fan in the U.S.. who is black, xD
.:.Afternoon rain♥
.:.The break of dawn
.:.Late nights..
.:.Cute/adorable stuff
.:.Pretty & really awesome girls
.:.Cool, georgeous people..
.:.Asian girls/guys
.:.Girly clothes (even though I don't wear them)
.:.Street & Couture Fashions :3
.:.Costume Play♠
.:.Anime(NANA, etc.)
.:.Mini Coopers *-*
.:.Males.. :3
.:.Morning Musume
.:.Vivienne Westwood
.:.Vivienne Westwood
Partying~~ x3

☆//Tags plz :]

moshi moshi
If you don't know already, I answer under the name Poine. Yahoo!IM: littleportia
Spammers: Spam my e-mail so it can automatically TRASH. That'll save me time from hurting your feelings and killing your ego... or banning you :D


☆//Dwell In My Past..


A-Nation {Spanish}
Jpop & Kpop
Swifty Writing
More Spastic Sentiments
Rendered Beauty
Cat Crossing
Cat Crossing 2
Silver Cascade

☆//Exit back to me

Deviant Art
XANGA {2nd blog}
LJ{3rd blog}
Myspace {active}
Best Stuff {My Loves}
Cyworld {Add if you want}

☆//Link to me??


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